Thursday, June 21, 2012

Why You May Ask.....

 Note:  The post dated June 21, 2012 Titled “Why You May Ask” was written  long before the LOA arrived.    It’s a bit out of order, but you get the idea.  It was saved, and am just publishing some of  my posts.

I have not "announced" my adoption. I have not received an official Letter of Acceptance from China (LOA) so I am a little hesitant to announce to the world that I am adding to my family.  Of course along the way I have shared it with friends, some family, colleagues.

Every child deserves to be someone's blessing.  Families adopt for a multitude of reasons. Some believe they had a higher calling, some believe they are saving a child.  In a way, I guess we all share some of that, but my reason is pretty basic. In my heart, I have never felt my family was complete.

Years ago, when I was much younger (and foolish some would say), I wanted 6 children. Then I decided I wanted 4. Years later I was blessed with my H, and very, very thankful for one.  It doesn’t mean that the ache in your heart goes away when you see a family with more than one child there is a bit of sadness that comes along with that. Don’t get me wrong, I, like many mothers, have days that I don't want to be a mom, and the commercial "Calgon Take Me Away" comes to mind....

Yes, I have been told I was crazy.  After all I am an “older mom”, single and why would I want to mess up my life?   

In my heart, I know that this child is my daughter; I have calmness about adopting a second child.   Am I worried about getting two kids dressed in the morning, or how to get to two places at once, or any of the other things that can occur with having more than one child…YOU BET. 

I have been told many times in the last few months that I have never taken the easy road.    I do things on my own time line, and my own way.  Thinking about this, I do think that there is truth to that.  There has been much self actualization in the last few years, and I have come to accept that I am not a conformist, and I am a bit unconventional.   My grandmother at one point told my mother that I was a strange child.  I think I have grown into myself in the last few years, and am comfortable with whom I am.  I know my strengths and my weaknesses, and I know that this child is a gift that is a blessing beyond imagination.

So celebrate  this child, daughter and sister of ours with H and I.

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